Egyptian Mythology

Egyptian mythology is one of the best-known in the world. As in many cultures, the Egyptians tried to justify beliefs and explain fundamental questions about life after death, the cosmos, the fate of the universe, and the order of the natural world with the stories they told.
Osiris is lord of the underworld, the god of fertility, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, agriculture, and vegetation. He is the brother to Nephthys, Seth, Horus and Isis. He is also the husband of Isis. This is his story.
After killing his brother Osiris, Set took over his brothers kingdom and his wife, Isis. This is an account of the circumstances that befell Isis at the time.
After creating a poisonous serpent from Ra's spittle and dust, Isis placed the serpent on the path that Ra takes on his way to heaven.