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African Archive

Zulu Warrior Utimuni, nephew of Shaka, the Zulu king

While much of the world has preserved its myths and legends as historical relics, many African people still view these ancient stories as being an important part of everyday life.


For the purpose of this archive, we have divided the African Continent into five geographical regions, which include North, South, East, West and Central Africa.

North Africa

Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Sudan are most generally considered to be the countries that shape North Africa. Blow are some popular myths, legends, and folktales from these areas.

Osiris is lord of the underworld, the god of fertility, afterlife, death, resurrection, life, agriculture, and vegetation. (Egyptian Mythology).

An account of the circumstances that befell Isis after Set killed Osiris, her husband, and took over his kingdom. (Egyptian Mythology).

After creating a poisonous serpent from Ra's spittle and dust, Isis placed the serpent on the path that Ra took on his way to heaven. (Egyptian Mythology).

West Africa

There are 16 countries that define West Africa. Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. These are the stories told by the people of Western Africa.

A prince falls in love with a beautiful farm girl. This makes the King angry, and he's going to order the girl and her family put to death. A story told by the Efik people of Nigeria.

The Queen, a very young and quite beautiful woman, wants more than the old man who was her husband and King. A narrative of the Efik.

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